The importance of IT inventories
Tamás Tóth
IT inventories help manage security risks and ensure compliance. Find out why these inventories are vital!
Use of Threat Reports in Information Security Risk Assessments
Tamás Tóth
The use of threat reports helps to identify real threats and adds value to information security instead of templated risk analyses.
The Relationship Between ChatGPT and GDPR
Péter Hüvelyes
How does ChatGPT comply with GDPR? Learn about AI data management practices and challenges related to user data protection.
PCI-DSS: to protect your card data
Tamás Szalárdi
The PCI-DSS standard protects card data for secure transactions. Learn about the new requirements and specifications in version 4.0.
From movies to reality: the pros and cons of ChatGPT
Beatrix Polyák
ChatGPT not only improves cybersecurity, but also poses serious risks, such as phishing, ransomware and social engineering attacks.
Everything you need to know about TISAX
Péter Hüvelyes
Achieving TISAX certification ensures that automotive suppliers meet uniform information security and cybersecurity requirements.
Purple Teaming: a new approach to red teaming
Erik Kovács
Purple Teaming enables more effective cybersecurity testing through collaboration between the red and blue teams, identifying vulnerabilities and improving defenses.
DORA: effective and consistent risk management practices for the financial sector
Péter Hüvelyes
The DORA regulation will standardize ICT risk management in the financial sector and will be mandatory from 2025 to increase digital resilience.
Steps to NIS2 compliance
Tamás Tóth
Get ready to comply with the NIS2 Directive! Learn the necessary steps from gap assessment through risk analysis to the development of sustainable security measures.
The NIS 2 Directive has been issued. Now what?
Tamás Tóth
The NIS2 Directive sets new requirements for cybersecurity, in particular in the areas of managerial responsibility and reporting obligations.
Technology isn’t everything: this is how hacking organizations really work
Gusztáv Krékity
Hacking organizations often launch attacks based on human factors rather than technical ones. Learn how to defend against insider threats and social engineering.
Can we really talk about AI in cybersecurity?
Beatrix Polyák
AI and cybersecurity: can AI really be used to protect against security threats?