

Why is it Important to Integrate NAC Systems in an Enterprise IT System?

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.11.14

The integration of NAC systems is key to enterprise IT security, enabling access restriction and protection of data assets.

Introducing our Network and IT Security Team: Protection in the Digital Space

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.11.11

Our Network and IT Security team provides cutting-edge solutions to protect our customers' systems, ensuring continuous and secure operations.

IT Security Strategy with AI support

Szerző ikon Ivett Dobay

Dátum ikon 2024.11.06

AI-based solutions enable the standardization of IT security systems, increasing cybersecurity effectiveness against growing threats.

InfoSec20 – 20 years of our InfoSec Division

Szerző ikon Péter Sajó

Dátum ikon 2024.10.29

The EURO ONE InfoSec division turned 20 years old! Learn about our successes in cybersecurity and network security, and our future goals in managed services and AI technologies.

Protection against email attacks: solutions from Trend Micro

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.10.24

Trend Micro's AI-based and other solutions provide effective protection against compromised business email attacks. Learn more in our article!

Relationship between the NIS2 directive and IDM systems: How does IDM help with regulatory compliance?

Szerző ikon Mónika Bikki

Dátum ikon 2024.10.17

IDM systems support NIS2 compliance, ensuring transparent management of privileges, auditability and rapid response to incidents.

Vulnerability Management: The Cornerstone of IT Security?!

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.09.26

Vulnerability management is fundamental to IT security, helping to prevent threats and ensure business continuity.

The relationship between Multi Factor Authentication and NIS2

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.09.10

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is essential for NIS2 compliance, strengthening corporate cyber security and providing protection against unauthorised access.

Endpoint Protection Solutions for NIS2 Compliance

Szerző ikon Gusztáv Krékity

Dátum ikon 2024.09.02

EPP, EDR and XDR endpoint protection systems help you meet the requirements of the NIS2 Directive and ensuring effective protection against cyber attacks.

SpontEO – in IT Operation and Implementation

Szerző ikon Márta Szabó

Dátum ikon 2024.08.15

SpontEO is an advanced automation tool that supports IT infrastructure management and compliance with NIS2 requirements, including account management and upgrades.

Security Services for Cyber Physical Systems

Szerző ikon Péter Hunyadi

Dátum ikon 2024.08.09

Security solutions for cyber-physical systems, including OT protection, incident management and support for NIS2 compliance.

Why and how to focus on incident management?

Szerző ikon Gábor Szabó

Dátum ikon 2024.07.25

SIEM and SOAR systems provide automated incident management and rapid response to cyber security threats for NIS2 compliance.

What is Expected Today from Incident Management Tools: SIEM and SOAR

Szerző ikon Gergely Lesku

Dátum ikon 2024.07.18

SIEM and SOAR systems help to manage incidents quickly, with automation to support NIS2 compliance and cyber security incident response.

TXOne’s thoughtful solutions for industrial cyber defence

Szerző ikon Péter Hunyadi

Dátum ikon 2024.06.03

A TXOne ipari kiberbiztonsági megoldásai központosított kezeléssel, virtuális javítással és hálózati biztonsággal támogatják a gyártórendszerek védelmét.

The importance of IT inventories

Szerző ikon Tamás Tóth

Dátum ikon 2023.10.19

IT inventories help manage security risks and ensure compliance. Find out why these inventories are vital!

Use of Threat Reports in Information Security Risk Assessments

Szerző ikon Tamás Tóth

Dátum ikon 2023.09.07

The use of threat reports helps to identify real threats and adds value to information security instead of templated risk analyses.